Driving Lessons That Come in Handy While Driving in Heavy Fog

When it comes to learning how to drive, there are so many things to learn. It is the responsibility of the instructor of the driving school to make you aware of all these technicalities.

One major chapter deals with driving in inclement climatic conditions. You cannot expect Mother Nature to behave the way you would like her to always. Those are the situations when your driving expertise and acumen are put to a litmus test.

Take, for instance, the issue of driving in dense fog. You might be caught in situations while driving, when visibility reduces to alarmingly low, owing to heavy fog. To be guaranteed safety, you MUST learn certain techniques while you take up driving lessons in Hawthorn . Here are some of the techniques you will be taught. 

Its a Mental Game..be Strong!

Well, that is the first and foremost lesson that you need to learn. One of the natural instincts of drivers is to speed up while driving in dense fog. They do so out of the thought that driving fast will help them get out of the area fast. This is the last thing that you need to do. You need to overcome this urge. It's time to exercise patience to the optimal.

Another illusion that you need to overpower is that you are driving toooo slow! It's driven by the fact that you cannot see anything properly outside. This is suicide! Overpower these thoughts, fight your subconscious urges and keep cool! That is the first lesson that your mentor at your driving school will teach you.

Make yourself as visible as you can!

Be seen..that’s the mantra of driving in fog, before anything else. While driving in dense fog, the daytime running lights of your vehicle are not enough.

People have a propensity of turning the headlights on out of a misconception that it will blind the others, putting their life at risk. Wrong, wrong...and horribly wrong!! It is suicidal, as putting off the headlights will make your car literally a ghost vehicle in all the fog and mist. So the bottom line is that STAY VISIBLE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!

Thinking of using high beams? A strict NO-NO!!!!

Never use the high beam headlights while driving in foggy conditions. They will ricochet off the water droplets present in the fog and will decrease your visibility. Lower beams are better...well, they will do the same thing, but will at least not blind you. That is the best way how you can somewhat see things!!

If these are the three most important techniques to follow while driving in fog, the other techniques that a competent driving instructor in Camberwell will tell you to do, including following the lines on the road as you see them, and increase the distance from the vehicles running ahead.

Last but not the least, if you at all need to stop, (if you think its too dangerous to drive), do so at a parking lot, side street or a rest area to save yourself from being hit.


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