Why You Shouldn’t Run Your Vehicle with Low Fuel

When the gas indicator is sitting empty- it is something nobody wants to see. Especially when it is late at night, and you are running through the dark highway- it is the most probable thing that you should avoid to deal. But your car hates it more than you do.

According to trainers from reputed driving schools in Burwood East, it is better to keep your gas tank at least a quarter full all times. By doing this, you can keep yourself away from getting into a dangerous situation, where the gas station is quite far to fill up. Moreover, driving with the empty tank or when fuel reaching dregs can cause damage to your car in a number of ways.

However, the amount of fuel you will be left with and before how long you need to refill the tank depend on a number of factors-

  • Your Speed
  • Vehicle’s Fuel Economy
  • Your Location
  • Vehicle Condition

So, what happens when you drive your car on almost empty:

Your Engine: If you are driving low on fuel, it causes the fuel pump to get exposed. It eventually causes overheating of your car. The fuel pump is designed to remain submerged. Moreover, long-distance travel can lead to sediment deposits to appear in your tank. This can cause blockages and ultimately can affect the engine.

Your Drive: The quality of drive gets affected by low fuel level. If your car starts running at low, it starts drying out eventually. It leads to brake failing, power-steering to crank up, and in worst cases, you can lose control over the vehicle. So, in a driving lessons Burwood East, instructors suggest refilling the tank once it hits the quarter-tank mark.

Your Budget: Apart from the damage to your car by low fuel, it affects your pocket too. According to figures, over $500 car owners can save by filling up the tank at the right times. It’s the best way to save fuel cost to fill it up, instead of driving it with low fuel.

Tips to Avoid Running Out of Gas: In case you’re running on low gas, here are a few things to avoid run out of gases-
  • Keep your gas tank at least a quarter full.
  • Use mobile apps to find gas stations near your location.
  • Turn off the air conditioning
  • Don’t drive so aggressive
  • Take a smooth road
Now you know how actually bad it is for your car and if you find yourself in the situation where you’re running low, it may not ruin your car for the first and second time. But for the good health of your engine, to prove theoretical knowledge in a driving test in Burwood East and to avoid the damage down the line- DO NOT RUN WITH A LOW FUEL.


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