Why You Shouldn’t Run Your Vehicle with Low Fuel

When the gas indicator is sitting empty- it is something nobody wants to see. Especially when it is late at night, and you are running through the dark highway- it is the most probable thing that you should avoid to deal. But your car hates it more than you do. According to trainers from reputed driving schools in Burwood East , it is better to keep your gas tank at least a quarter full all times. By doing this, you can keep yourself away from getting into a dangerous situation, where the gas station is quite far to fill up. Moreover, driving with the empty tank or when fuel reaching dregs can cause damage to your car in a number of ways. However, the amount of fuel you will be left with and before how long you need to refill the tank depend on a number of factors- Your Speed Vehicle’s Fuel Economy Your Location Vehicle Condition So, what happens when you drive your car on almost empty: Your Engine: If you are driving low on fuel, it causes the fuel pump to ...