Driving Lessons - What Are the Risks of Texting and Driving?

When it comes to driving, both texting and driving are harmful. It is a well-known fact that texting and driving are dangerous. To avoid it, we need to follow many rules and regulations. That's why you must enroll in a driving school. But these days, the dangers are not limited to texting and driving. 'Distracted driving' is also causing more traffic accidents. Many drivers text while driving very irresponsibly. Therefore, if you are driving, you should avoid drinking, texting and driving. Now let's do a comparative study to understand the risks of both with the help of a driving school in St. Kilda . Risks of texting and driving Consider the risks of texting and driving. Knowing the risks can help you avoid making mistakes. The risks are listed below. Breaking the law According to experts offering driving lessons in St. Kilda, texting while driving is illegal in most places. You can use the phone with the help of a hands-free cradle. Also, the phone can be used wi...